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In this page you can find a few images that I've collected in the past with my C8/SP telescope (8" Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain optics mounted on Vixen Super Polaris mount).

Click on the thumbnails to see the images at higher resolution.

23 August 2000 - Sun - First focus of Ilford FP4 Plus 125 ISO film.

02 September 2000 - Sun - First focus on Kodak Gold 400 ISO film.

10 September 2000 - Sun - First focus on Kodak Gold 400 ISO film.

10 September 2000 - Moon - First focus on Kodak Gold 400 ISO film.

16 September 2000 - Moon - First focus on Kodak Gold 400 ISO film.

June 2001 - Sun - First focus on Kodak Gold 400 ISO film.

June 2001 - Sun - First focus on Kodak Gold 400 ISO film.

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