PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 1/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position /*---------------------------- MAKEFILE --------------------- .AUTODEPEND # *Translator Definitions* CC = bcc +CURPOS.CFG TASM = TASM TLIB = tlib TLINK = tlink LIBPATH = F:\BORLANDC\LIB;F:\BORLANDC\TVISION\LIB INCLUDEPATH = F:\BORLANDC\INCLUDE;F:\BORLANDC\TVISION\INCLUDE # *Implicit Rules* .c.obj: $(CC) -c {$< } .cpp.obj: $(CC) -c {$< } # *List Macros* EXE_dependencies = \ curpos.obj \ tscreen.obj \ tview.obj # *Explicit Rules* curpos.exe: curpos.cfg $(EXE_dependencies) $(TLINK) /v/x/c/P-/L$(LIBPATH) @&&| c0l.obj+ curpos.obj+ tscreen.obj+ tview.obj curpos # no map file graphics.lib+ tv.lib+ emu.lib+ mathl.lib+ cl.lib | PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 2/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position # *Individual File Dependencies* curpos.obj: curpos.cfg curpos.cpp tscreen.cpp tview.cpp # *Compiler Configuration File* curpos.cfg: curpos.mak copy &&| -ml -v -vi- -weas -wpre -I$(INCLUDEPATH) -L$(LIBPATH) | curpos.cfg ----------------- ENDING OF MAKEFILE ------------------*/ // SOURCE CODE. /*-------------------------------------------------*/ /* Copyright (c) 1993 by Borland International */ /* Example showing how to monitor the hardware */ /* cursor location in a TurboVision dialog box. */ /*-------------------------------------------------*/ #define Uses_TApplication #define Uses_TProgram #define Uses_TDialog #define Uses_TStaticText #define Uses_TScreen #define Uses_TInputLine #define Uses_TKeys #define Uses_TRect #define Uses_TMenuBar #define Uses_TSubMenu #define Uses_TMenuItem #define Uses_TStatusLine #define Uses_TStatusItem #define Uses_TStatusDef #define Uses_TDeskTop #define Uses_MsgBox #include PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 3/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position #include #include #include #define INPUTLINEMAX 20 // assign open dialog menu choice const int cmOpenDialog = 200; // assign about dialog menu choice const int cmAboutDialog = 201; // // About dialog box // About dialog box features updating display of // the current time. // class TAboutTimeDialog : public TDialog { private: char CurrentTime[50]; // current time TInputLine *TimeDisplay; // Inputline to display // the time protected: // Get the time string // from DOS and store in date_time void GetTimeString(char *date_time); public: TAboutTimeDialog(char *Title); // implement idle function for time updating void idle(void); virtual void handleEvent(TEvent &theEvent); }; void TAboutTimeDialog::GetTimeString(char *dt) { PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 4/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position struct dostime_t DosTime; // call dos for time. _dos_gettime(&DosTime); // create formated string for time. sprintf(dt, "HOURS: %2d MINUTES: %2d SECONDS %2d.%2d", DosTime.hour, DosTime.minute, DosTime.second, DosTime.hsecond); } TAboutTimeDialog::TAboutTimeDialog(char *Title): TDialog( TRect(5,5,TScreen::screenWidth-5, TScreen::screenHeight-5),Title), TWindowInit(&TDialog::initFrame) { // Create input line to display current time. TimeDisplay = new TInputLine (TRect(1,size.y-3, 40,size.y-2),50); TimeDisplay->options &= ~ofSelectable; TimeDisplay->options |= ofCenterX; // Insert about box information text insert( new TStaticText(TRect(1, 1,TScreen::screenWidth-11, TScreen::screenHeight-11), "\003Turbo Vision Example\n\003\n" "\003C++ Version\n\003\n" "\003Copyright (c) 1993\n\003\n" "\003Borland International" )); if (TProgram::application->validView(TimeDisplay)) insert(TimeDisplay); } // // Update the current time in the about dialog box. // void TAboutTimeDialog::idle(void) { GetTimeString(CurrentTime); TimeDisplay->setData(CurrentTime); } PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 5/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position void TAboutTimeDialog::handleEvent(TEvent &theEvent) { switch(theEvent.what) { // Call the idle function when no // other events need processing. case evNothing: idle(); break; default: break; } TDialog::handleEvent(theEvent); } // // Dialog that monitors the location of the cursor. // class TCursorDialog : public TDialog { private: TPoint GetCursorLocation(void); TInputLine *ptrStaticText; protected: void UpdateCursor(void); public: TCursorDialog(TRect &r); virtual void handleEvent(TEvent &TheEvent); }; // // Get current cursor location or returns TPoint(-1,-1) // when the cursor is not on the screen(deactivated). // TPoint TCursorDialog::GetCursorLocation(void) { TPoint p = {-1,-1}; // //if cursor turned off, return tpoint with -1 PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 6/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position // if( TScreen::getCursorType() == 0x2000 ) return p; // // Call BIOS and get the current cursor location // asm mov ah, 3 asm mov bh, 0 asm int 0x10 p.y = _DH; p.x = _DL; // // Return the local coordinates in the current TView // return makeLocal(p); } TCursorDialog::TCursorDialog(TRect &r): TDialog(r, "The Cursor Dialog"), TWindowInit(&TDialog::initFrame) { // Create static text to display cursor location. ptrStaticText = new TInputLine(TRect(5,1, 30,2), 40); ptrStaticText->options &= ~ofSelectable; ptrStaticText->options |= ofCenterX; if (TProgram::application->validView(ptrStaticText)) insert(ptrStaticText); } void TCursorDialog::handleEvent(TEvent &TheEvent) { switch(TheEvent.what) { // // Update the cursor location when // there are not events to process. // case evNothing: PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 7/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position UpdateCursor(); break; case evKeyDown: switch(TheEvent.keyDown.keyCode) { case kbTab: break; default: break; } break; default: break; } TDialog::handleEvent(TheEvent); } void TCursorDialog::UpdateCursor(void) { TPoint pt; char buffer[55]; // Get the local location of the cursor pt = GetCursorLocation(); // Check if cursor is off screen if(pt.x != -1 ) sprintf(buffer, "LOCATION X: %2u Y: %2u", pt.x, pt.y); else // Notify cursor off screen sprintf(buffer, "CURSOR OFF SCREEN"); ptrStaticText->setData(buffer); } class TCursorExApp : public TApplication { private: TCursorDialog *ptrCursorDialog; TAboutTimeDialog *ptrAboutDialog; PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 8/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position TInputLine *ptrInputLineArray[6]; void aboutDialog(void); void createDialog(void); public: TCursorExApp(); virtual void handleEvent(TEvent &TheEvent); static TStatusLine *initStatusLine( TRect r ); static TMenuBar *initMenuBar( TRect r ); }; void TCursorExApp::aboutDialog(void) { ptrAboutDialog = new TAboutTimeDialog("About Cursor Watcher"); execView(ptrAboutDialog); destroy(ptrAboutDialog); } void TCursorExApp::createDialog(void) { // Rectangle for dialog box relative to the desktop TRect rd(5,5, TScreen::screenWidth - 5, TScreen::screenHeight -5); TStaticText *ptrInputLabel; char buffer[25]; ptrCursorDialog = new TCursorDialog(rd); for (int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i+=2) { ptrInputLineArray[i] = new TInputLine (TRect(12, i+5, 12+INPUTLINEMAX, i+6), INPUTLINEMAX); sprintf(buffer,"INPUTLINE: %d", i); ptrInputLabel = new TStaticText(TRect(12, i+4, 12+strlen(buffer), i+5), buffer); if (validView(ptrInputLabel)) ptrCursorDialog->insert(ptrInputLabel); PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 9/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position if (validView(ptrInputLineArray[i])) ptrCursorDialog->insert(ptrInputLineArray[i]); ptrInputLineArray[i+1] = new TInputLine (TRect(19 + INPUTLINEMAX, i+5, 19 + (INPUTLINEMAX*2), i+6), INPUTLINEMAX); sprintf(buffer,"INPUTLINE: %d", i+1); ptrInputLabel = new TStaticText( TRect(19+INPUTLINEMAX, i+4, 19+strlen(buffer) + INPUTLINEMAX, i+5), buffer); if (validView(ptrInputLabel)) ptrCursorDialog->insert(ptrInputLabel); if (validView(ptrInputLineArray[i+1])) ptrCursorDialog->insert(ptrInputLineArray[i+1]); } if (validView(ptrCursorDialog)) execView(ptrCursorDialog); } TCursorExApp::TCursorExApp() : TProgInit( &TCursorExApp::initStatusLine, &TCursorExApp::initMenuBar, &TCursorExApp::initDeskTop ) { } void TCursorExApp::handleEvent(TEvent &TheEvent) { TApplication::handleEvent(TheEvent); switch(TheEvent.what) { case evCommand: // Process menu choices from the application handleEvent switch (TheEvent.message.command) PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 10/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position { case cmOpenDialog: createDialog(); break; case cmAboutDialog: aboutDialog(); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } TStatusLine *TCursorExApp::initStatusLine(TRect r) { r.a.y = r.b.y - 1; // move top to 1 line above bottom return new TStatusLine( r, *new TStatusDef( 0, 0xFFFF ) + // set range of help contexts *new TStatusItem( 0, kbF10, cmMenu ) + *new TStatusItem( "~Alt-X~ Exit", kbAltX, cmQuit ) ); } TMenuBar *TCursorExApp::initMenuBar( TRect r ) { r.b.y = r.a.y + 1; return new TMenuBar( r, *new TSubMenu( "~A~ction", kbAltA )+ *new TMenuItem("~O~pen Dialog", cmOpenDialog, kbF1, hcNoContext, "F1")+ *new TMenuItem("~A~bout", cmAboutDialog, kbF2, hcNoContext,"F2")+ *new TMenuItem("~E~xit", cmQuit, kbF3, hcNoContext,"F3") ); } PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1552 VERSION : 3.x OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 11/11 TITLE : Turbo Vision example of determining cursor position int main() { TCursorExApp TheApplication;; return 0; } DISCLAIMER: You have the right to use this technical information subject to the terms of the No-Nonsense License Statement that you received with the Borland product to which this information pertains.