PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1708 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 1/5 TITLE : Using setData to initialize dialog box contents /* This is an example program that shows how to use setData to initialize the contents of a dialog box. */ #define Uses_TApplication #define Uses_TButton #define Uses_TCheckBoxes #define Uses_TDeskTop #define Uses_TDialog #define Uses_TEvent #define Uses_TInputLine #define Uses_TKeys #define Uses_TLabel #define Uses_TMenu #define Uses_TMenuBar #define Uses_TMenuItem #define Uses_TRadioButtons #define Uses_TRect #define Uses_TSItem #define Uses_TSubMenu #include #include #define cmOpenFood 100 class TClassApp : public TApplication { public: TClassApp(); static TMenuBar *initMenuBar (TRect r); virtual void handleEvent (TEvent& event); }; TClassApp::TClassApp() : TApplication(), TProgInit( initStatusLine, initMenuBar, initDeskTop ) { } TMenuBar *TClassApp::initMenuBar( TRect r ) { r.b.y = r.a.y + 1; PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1708 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 2/5 TITLE : Using setData to initialize dialog box contents TSubMenu &sub1 = *new TSubMenu ("~F~ile", kbAltF, hcNoContext) + *new TMenuItem ("E~x~it", cmQuit, kbAltX, hcNoContext, "Alt-X") + *new TMenuItem ("~R~eplicator Order Form", cmOpenFood, kbAltF3, hcNoContext, "Alt-F3"); return new TMenuBar (r, new TMenu ((TMenuItem &) sub1)); }; class TMyDialog : public TDialog { private: TView *cb, // CheckBoxes *rb, // RadioButtons *il, // InputLine *okb, // OK Button *canb; // Cancel Button /* This buffer is key to the success of setData. There needs to be a variable for each item inserted into the dialog. These items need to follow the order of insertion. */ struct transferBuffer{ ushort cbData; // CheckBox ushort rbData; // RadioButton char ilData [128]; // InputLine /* Constructor for buffer initializes it to blank dialog. */ transferBuffer() { cbData = rbData = 0; memset (ilData, NULL, 128); } }; void saveData (void); public: TMyDialog (void); virtual void handleEvent (TEvent &event); PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1708 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 3/5 TITLE : Using setData to initialize dialog box contents }; struct TMyDialog::transferBuffer myDialogData; void TMyDialog::saveData (void) { getData (&myDialogData); } TMyDialog::TMyDialog (void) : TDialog (TRect (0, 0, 56, 18), "Replicator Order Form"), TWindowInit (initFrame) { cb = new TCheckBoxes (TRect (3, 3, 18, 6), new TSItem ("~S~prouts", new TSItem ("~B~eans", new TSItem ("~T~ofu", NULL) ))); insert (cb); insert (new TLabel (TRect (2, 2, 15, 3), "Food Product", cb)); rb = new TRadioButtons (TRect (22, 3, 44, 6), new TSItem ("~F~ried", new TSItem ("~B~aked", new TSItem ("B~o~iled", NULL) ))); insert (rb); insert (new TLabel (TRect (21, 2, 33, 3), "Preparation", rb)); il = new TInputLine (TRect (3, 8, 37, 9), 128); insert (il); insert (new TLabel (TRect (2, 7, 40, 8), "Special instructions", il)); okb = new TButton (TRect (15, 10, 25, 12), "~O~k", cmOK, bfDefault); insert (okb); canb = new TButton (TRect (28, 10, 38, 12), "~C~ancel", cmCancel, bfNormal); insert (canb); options |= ofCentered; setData (&myDialogData); // Fill dialog with data in transfer // buffer. PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1708 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 4/5 TITLE : Using setData to initialize dialog box contents selectNext (False); // Move focus to first item inserted // into dialog. } void TMyDialog::handleEvent (TEvent &event) { if (event.what == evCommand) { switch (event.message.command) { case cmOK: saveData(); // Save the dialog contents into the // transfer buffer so that it can be // restored when the dialog is brought up // the next time. endModal(cmOK); break; default: break; } } TDialog::handleEvent (event); }; void TClassApp::handleEvent( TEvent& event ) { TApplication::handleEvent( event ); if( event.what == evCommand ) { switch( event.message.command ) { case cmOpenFood: { TMyDialog *md = new TMyDialog; deskTop->execView (md); break; } default: return; } PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1708 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 5/5 TITLE : Using setData to initialize dialog box contents } } int main() { TClassApp TCA;; return 0; } DISCLAIMER: You have the right to use this technical information subject to the terms of the No-Nonsense License Statement that you received with the Borland product to which this information pertains.